Unit 2 is based on the understanding that the Built Environment comes into existence and transforms as a social/physical ecosystem in which neighbourhoods and buildings are never finished, but rather transform part by part.

At the core of this Unit are concepts which include levels of decision-making (urban design and architecture); distributed control of environmental decision-making among many different agents (including users who can make decisions); and the idea that the interface between technical systems allows the replacement of one system with another performing the same function.

This unit therefore links strongly with current international trends in thinking about the built environment and also resonates strongly with present-day South African concerns. Unit 2 offers an exceptional opportunity to engage with an international network of thinkers/practitioners in the field of Open Building, Urbanism and Human Settlements.

http://architectureandagency.com; http://www.uj-unit2.com/
#OPENbuilding #OPENarchitecture #4DDesign #timebased_D #uj_unit2 #architectureandagency #UIA2014 #otherwhere #unitsystemafrica #uj_units